There is something to be said about an all-metal constructed knife. Something about the feel of the metal in your hand and heft due to being all metal. It’s a constant reminder that you have a more than capable blade in your hands. One of those blades that give you this confidence is the SOG Aegis FLK.
Entry-Level Price with Expert Level Features
Coming in at $34.95 direct from SOG put the Aegis FLK in a great position to be easily attainable by most, but don’t let the lower price point fool you into thinking this is a ‘cheap’ knife, because it’s far from that.
Obviously, the key feature in my mind is the all-metal construction. Not only do I really like the feel and heft of an all-metal blade, but it gives the perception of elegance and class. The deep carry pocket clip that we’ve come to expect on all SOG knives is present in a black color, which I actually prefer. A black pocket clip just blends in better versus a shiny metal clip.
The simple and secure frame lock comes standard on the Aegis FLK giving you a positive lock with the blade is open. The tighter your grip on the knife, the more secure the lock. To deploy the working end of the blade, just ‘kick’ the blade out using the kick/flipper feature when it’s closed. It is a manual opening mechanism (not assisted), but the blade still deploys fast and locks up like a tank.
Sometimes a simple, honest knife with a SOG Sharp blade is just the trick. The Aegis FLK brings just that, a no-nonsense all-metal construction frame-lock featuring a kick deployment built on the proven SOG Aegis platform. Aegis FLK is the perfect entry-level knife built to last.
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