For those of us trapped indoors while the world figures out how best to handle and defeat the COVID-19 virus, many of us yearn to be outdoors. The Gear Bunker is all about spending time outdoors. It’s how we operate. And as we patiently await the “all clear” order and get back to normal life, here is a short inspirational video from Rockhouse Motion that should get the outdoorsman, or outdoors woman pretty pumped up.
Armed with a plethora of overpriced camera gear, a senary of overactive imaginations, and a well-worn thesaurus. Battle hardened from the flash and burn of tungstens and LEDs, this team of advertising assassins stand at the ready to respond to any and all threats to market share, brand image, or boredom. They react quickly and with ruthless efficiency to any and all calls to action, and leave behind them a wake of overloaded hard drives and empty beef jerky packages.
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