In an effort to be more self-sustaining on the road, I’ve put together some tools and other supplies to assist with common roadside assistance tasks. Most common to my area is getting stuck (mostly in the winter), a flat tire, and dead batteries.
In order to help myself in those situations and assist someone else, I now carry some tools of the trade. Organizing those things was the next step in this evolution. I recently moved into a new Chevy Silverado truck, which has limited storage for these types of items unless you want to keep them in the cab of the truck.
The first answer to this problem was the Decked truck bed storage system. After installing the Decked system, I now had a place to put not only all my roadside assistance and recovery gear, but I could also stow away some outdoor gear for those impromptu hikes and trail runs. The next step in this process was now to organize those items inside the Decked storage system.
I’ve been a long-time follower and user of the gear that SOE Tactical Gear puts out. They now have a product line of ‘tool’ type organization products to include a tool bag, tool pods, and tool rolls. In the following video, I discuss the SOE products I use and why.
Links to these specific SOE Tactical Gear products:
- Tool Bag
- Tool Pods
- Clothes Bag
- Tool Roll Up (Not Shown)
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