Hip packs offer adventurers an option to carry gear when there is no need or desire to bring a backpack. Hip packs also force outdoor enthusiasts to carry only the essentials. Uncharted Supply Co. has provided outdoor enthusiasts with the Park Pack to carry those essentials. Uncharted Supply Co. was generous enough to send me the hip pack to try out over the winter.
Park Pack Overview
The Park Pack consists of a cube pack, two removable bottle holders, and a waist belt. On the waist belt, there are PALS panels where the bottle holders attach. The PALS panels also allow users to mount a bear spray holster or a small MOLLE pouch to carry additional items. Two load straps at the pack’s exterior bottom carry bulky items like a puffy jacket. These straps can also be compression straps if you need to make your Park Pack smaller. A small pocket to store a phone or wallet is on the pack’s top.
Uncharted Supply Co. Park Pack Video:
“The Park Pack is designed to give you the protection you need, without interfering with the pure experience of your adventure” ~ unchartedsupplyco.com
The cube pack is nine inches wide, four-and-a-half inches long, and five-and-a-half inches high. The cube has 2.8L of storage. The pack is made of 600D tarpaulin, making it both durable and waterproof, making it handy to have in rainy or snowy conditions. Both the main compartment zipper and the top pocket zipper are YKK water-resistant. Inside the pack is the main compartment and a slim pocket for a streamlined first aid or repair kit. The Pack Pack’s main compartment is big enough to carry small clothing items and snacks. In a pinch, it can even hold a Tupperware bowl.
Park Pack Performance and Uses
This winter, I took the Park Pack on a ski trip. I was pleased with its performance on the slopes. I used the hip pack to carry snacks, liner gloves, and a fleece cap. These essentials were lightweight, so I was not off balance when going down the slopes. Additionally, I could keep the hip pack on my lower back when on the ski lift. The cube pack had enough “give” to get squished against the lift’s backrest so I could sit comfortably on the lift.
“The Park Pack is an all-day comfort” ~ unchartedsupplyco.com
During my trips down the slopes, I did not experience many instances of the pack flopping. Even after a couple of tumbles, the Park Pack stayed pretty much in the same area of my lower back. The tarpaulin also did an excellent job keeping my gear dry after those tumbles and the snowy weather on my ski trip.
Park Pack Features & Specifications courtesy of unchartedsuppplyco.com
- Wide hip straps provide lower back support and little flop.
- Sweat resistant, breathable lining.
- Aerodynamic cube-like design allows you to move freely with equally distributed weight on both hips.
- 100% waterproof construction and zipper.
- Molle attachment system on both hip straps.
- Removable water bottle holders.
- Interior mesh pocket and exterior phone pocket.
- 600D Tarpaulin Shell, 210D Liner
- #7 YKK Water-Resistant Zipper
- Dimensions: 9” x 4.2” x 5.5”
- 175 Cubic Inches
- 2.8L storage
- Price: $99.00
Final Thoughts
The Park Pack is a hip pack built for different ventures. It does not take up a lot of space, so it will not cause a loss of balance when making sudden movements or balancing while wearing the pack. One thing to note is that due to the water-resistant zippers, it can sometimes take two hands to open either of the zippers. However, that did not happen often for me, and I could use one hand. But I do like the pack’s design and the waterproof qualities. If you are looking for a multi-use outdoor hip pack, look at the Park Pack.
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