With owning and carrying a firearm for defense comes the responsibility to keep it secure. However, many security options are not feasible when users are on the move or when they need ready access to their firearms. GOSAFE has released a solution for mobile security in the form of its upcoming Mobile Mag.
“Traditional firearm security devices such as cable locks, trigger locks and safes are cumbersome, limit access and are not carry friendly.” ~ police1.com
A standard GLOCK magazine is on the left, and the Mobile Mag is on the right.
Mobile Mag Overview
At first glance, the Mag I received looks like a GLOCK-style magazine with an extended base plate. However, the Mobile Mag is also a lockable “safe” with a ten-round capacity. The Mobile Mag comes with a key that is unique to the owner to lock or unlock the pistol. Individuals can order additional keys from GOSAFE using the serial number specific to the owner’s original key.
The magazine’s base plate houses the camlock, where the owner can lock or unlock the magazine in the pistol. The base plate also has a visual indicator, a small pin, to identify when the Mag is locked or unlocked. At the magazine’s top front right corner is the flange that locks the magazine into the pistol and blocks the trigger assembly. I can only cycle the slide to eject ammunition or check my GLOCK 19’s chamber when the magazine is locked. To bring my G19 into operation or remove the magazine, I only need to unlock the camlock.
The Mobile Mag’s stainless steel flange.
“GOSAFE reimagines firearms storage by putting the safe inside the gun rather than the gun inside a safe.” ~ gosafenow.com
Even with the extended base plate, carrying the Mobile Mag while concealed did not feel uncomfortable. I also tested out having the Mobile Mag on me while driving, and again I did not experience any significant discomfort. One point to consider when using the Mobile Mag in an appendix carry position is that carriers must pay extra attention to their outer garments to ensure the pistol and magazine do not print. However, with the suitable outer garment and holster’s position, I had no issues concealing my G19 and Mobile Mag.
Since the Mobile Mag is in the shape of a pistol magazine, the magazine can also fit into a magazine pouch on a battle belt, plate carrier, or the magazine holder of a sidecar holster. This flexibility allows some individuals to carry their standard pistol magazines and a Mobile Mag simultaneously. Suppose the situation dictates that the individual needs to secure his pistol. In that case, he must insert the Mobile Mag and lock it. The individual could still use his pistol once he unlocks the Mobile Mag and then reload his pistol with the standard magazines without any issues.
Mag in a concealed carry holster.
“Enables access to your firearm while maintaining unmatched security and safety.” ~ gosafenow.com
Features & Specifications courtesy of gosafenow.com
10 round capacity.
Prevents firing – even with a round in the chamber – when locked.
Cannot be removed from the firearm while locked.
Can switch to your OEM mag in seconds.
Includes unique-to-user high security key.
Additional keys can be ordered once you receive your product.
Camlock lock included for the highest level of protection and quality.
The Mobile Mag is the answer for civilian and law enforcement pistol users who want security and ready access to their pistols for $99.99 before tax, shipping, and handling. I appreciate the Mobile Mag’s design because it restricts access to my G19 when I need to store it for a short period when I need to go to the post office or other government buildings. For those who want to carry their pistol and have the option of restricting user access, the Mobile Mag is an option to consider. Currently, GOSAFE offers these magazines for GLOCK 17, 19, 19x, and 34 pistols. In the future, GOSAFE plans to release Mobile Mags compatible with Sig Sauer P320s and Smith & Wesson M&P pistols.
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During college, Tim Gauthier served in the Ohio Army National Guard’s Charlie Troop, 2nd Squadron, 107th Cavalry Regiment, and was commissioned as an active-duty Army Infantry Officer. On active duty, he served as an Opposing Forces Airborne Infantry platoon leader, Pathfinder Company, and staff officer with 1st Battalion, 509th Infantry Regiment out of Fort Johnson’s (formerly Fort Polk) Joint Readiness Training Center. Tim now works for the Department of the Army as a civilian. He has an MBA and an associate degree in firearms technology. He enjoys spending time outdoors and going to the range with his wife in his free time.
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