Ever since the COVID lockdown, I noticed one thing. People were getting cabin fever pretty quickly. RV’s, side-by-sides, Jeeps and car dealerships were selling through their inventory at record pace. People were leaving the metropolitan areas and getting outside. I too decided to spend a few weekends sleeping in the Michigan wilderness. It was so rejuvenating that I planned a three week Overland trip out west to Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. Designed to test the FJ as well as a few new pieces of gear. One piece of kit that I’ve been really impressed with this season is the game changing HOTTAP from Joolca.
This compact, propane fueled hot water heater replaced the solar shower we had been previously. Now, after using the HOTTAP v2 for a full season of camping and travel, I’m here to give you my honest opinion and dig into what I like and what I don’t like about it.
For cost comparisons, the fully loaded Nomad kit, which literally includes the kitchen sink, costs $549. I added an extension hose to further reach water sources. This replaced my RoadShower4 which runs around $559 these days. Basically the same price but that’s where the similarities seem to end. Setting-up the HOTTAP is definitely more time consuming than the RoadShower. However, the results are also much different. You just can’t get steaming hot water from a solar shower at 7am. And that’s really when I want to shower up. A solar shower only works during hours of intense sunlight. On the other hand, you’ll will require a propane source and 12v outlet to operate the HOTTAP. But this thing makes legitimately HOT water whenever you need it.
If you recall my previous article, set-up can seem complicated at first. Once you find a spot for the water heater, you must connect various water hoses. A cold line from the water source to the pump. Then from the pump to the HOTTAP. Followed by a hot line from the HOTTAP to the hand controller and finally to the shower head itself. Joolca utilizes plastic quick connects at all connections making the process pretty easy. Then connect the propane to the HOTTAP with their included brass quick-connect and finally plug the pump into a 12 volt source. Fortunately, the cord is long enough to reach a nearby vehicle but we typically use a Goal Zero battery. Now you just flip the switch near the shower head and the pump starts pulling water into the heater. In a few seconds, the HOTTAP will automatically fire and you’ll be treated to something really special.
Although the Nomad kit includes a large storage basin that doubles as the kitchen sink, plus a faucet, I’ve yet to actually use them in the field. Mainly because we travel light and fast and don’t end up with big clean-ups after meals. However, I’m glad we have the Nomad kit for the sake of owning all the pieces just in case we do need something in the future. I usually just pack what’s needed for the trip at hand and have dialed in my minimalist set-up over the past season. The Joolca EnSuite shower enclosure is another nice luxury item. And we recently used the enclosure at the Keewenaw Overland Adventure Retreat. But typically, our objective is camping in very remote spots so privacy is not an issue.
Various Options
August in Moab, Utah means 100F plus temperatures. And I found out quickly that a hot shower really isn’t all that refreshing. So I decided to bypass the HOTTAP and just use the pump and shower head to take a cold refreshing shower. The same streamlined set-up can be used with the faucet if running water is all you need. There are three versions of the HOTTAP available. The Essentials Kit $299, Outing Kit $449 and Nomad Kit $549. I would recommend either the Outing or Nomad kit because the Essentials Kit does not include the pump.
Minimalist Set-up
Until I get my hands on the Joolca carry bag, I’ll continue to pack my minimalist kit into the Yeti Camino. This waterproof bag won’t leak in the vehicle after I pack everything back up. And it can double as a 9 gallon water basin if I’m not close enough to reach a water source with the Joolca extended hose. When it’s just me, I only pack the following items:
- (1) long blue hose with filter attached
- 12v pump and power cord
- (1) short blue hose
- (1) short red hose
- Handheld switch with shower head and magnetic mount attached
- Propane hose (already in the vehicle)
The HOTTAP v2 has a robust metal handle on top of the unit allowing versatile hanging options when not using the included plastic stand. I can hang the unit on the rear bumpers shackle which keeps it in reach of my mounted propane tank. Included in all kits is a magnetic cradle for attaching the shower head to a camper, vehicle or anything magnetic. For me, the opened rear door of the FJ Cruiser is a perfect place to mount the shower head up high. The same magnetic mount could be used for the sink faucet if not bringing the entire Nomad Kit.
Pros and Cons:
- Cons
- Set-up time
- Still requires fuel and electricity
- Plastic connections
- Included hoses for the Nomad kit should include the extended reach hose
- Occasionally won’t fire the burner on the first try
- Pros
- Compact
- Easy to use once set-up
- Steaming hot water on-demand
- Makes you feel human again after a good shower
- Competitive pricing
- Virtually unlimited hot water once tapped into a lake or stream
- Well engineered system
Final thoughts:
Although the Joolca HOTTAP v2 has been one of my favorite pieces of Overland Kit, there is still some room for improvement. By design, the propane burner is supposed to automatically fire up once the flow of water is detected. And it performed flawlessly for the first couple of months. Last week it was either slow to fire or wouldn’t fire on the first attempt. I had to turn off the water and turn it back on to get the HOTTAP to light the burner. Probably something that can be adjusted so I’ll check with tech support. That aside, The HOTTAP from Joolca is still a big winner. There really isn’t anything like a hot shower to make the whole camping experience the best it can be.
Additionally, Joolca released a HOTTAP bag to better organize your kit. This padded bag is perfect for those times you don’t need the kitchen sink, etc.
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Great review, what is the coupon code? Thank you
Joe, Unfortunately, Joolca is no longer discounting their showers. However, if you like the content we provide and would like to help support our effort, you could purchase the Joolca shower through our affiliate link on our “Partners” page:
Unfortunately, Joolca has discontinued all discount codes. If you’d like to purchase through our affiliate link on our “Partners” page, that would help support this all veteran owned review site. Thanks for tuning in.
Thanks for this!
Would you say the joolca pump is loud? As compared to other RV water pumps like a shurflo maybe? I’m trying to decide on a system set up and noise (or lack thereof) is really important to me.
Susanna, Thanks for your question. Are you looking to install it inside of an RV for a shower solution? Just curious. I’ve only used the Joolca outdoors and the pump is typically placed on the ground near the water source. So I can’t comment on its noise for an indoor installation. I would say it’s not louder than a conventional RV water pump.
If you plan to purchase the Joolca, please take a look at out affiliate page. This helps us continue to bring reliable outdoor content. Thanks!
Can you provide any info about the internals on it? Would like to know if it stacks up anywhere close to another unit with high quality internals and design. You mentioned nothing about the internal build or design, materials, etc. cheers and thanks much!
Nope. I’m not a plumber or engineer. So I can only comment on how it functions. After 2 years, it has performed very well. My only complaint is that it sometimes struggles in windy environments losing the flame.
Great review! Was curious how long the 9 gallons in the Camino lasts when using The Joolca.
The water pressure is adjustable so it depends on your settings. I run the pressure in the middle and use right around a gallon per minute
Can this be used inside a camper conversion . Or is it for outside use only .
The shower can be plumbed for inside use but the burner must remain outdoors as there is combustion taking place.
Great review, am disappointed that the system is after all this time not available in Canada. Wanted to do some fall camping with it, but the earliest sell date for the northern country is December, brrrr.
Can you use this system in the national parks?
I don’t see why not.
I know this is a joolca review, but i was curious what goal zero battery you are currently pairing it with?
I ordered a Single shower from them on March 19th, I was charged on my credit card on March 19th. I understand it was a preorder for a new product. they initially told me april , Then June, then a couple weeks ago July 10th was the supposed ship date to me according to customer service Jack. 4 emails, a Text email and a Message on their website with no response whatsoever. I feel like this is a scam company. They do not have a phone number anywhere I can see to talk with a actual human, they just keep sending emails on new products, and please leave us a review email. Well here’s your email and review! I see all these reviews on youtube for the actual shower I paid for on march 19th.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Bought ready for litigation for fraud.
So I’m having the same problem as the post before me. I ordered the En-suite mounted shower tent on 05 July 23 and The website shows 4 day delivery, it now 13 July 23. I was given NO tracking info at all and have contacted them by every available mean they give you over the last week. WITH NO RESPONSE FROM ANY DEPARTMENT !!!. I mean NO RESPONSE from any email or SMS that they make available. If I ever do get it what happens if something is broken or brake in the future. My advice is go to Cabelas and talk to someone on the phone because company doesn’t respect its customers.
Also I’m posting on this site because you can read post but can not enter a post on the Joolca site.
hey Robert thanks for the reply on your frustration as well. 4 days for shipping huh? are you from Australia? cause I assume that is where headquarters are. because I’m here in the United States and clicking on their website here it still says preorder. Which I did back in March! Hope you get your response/unit soon. I’m going on my only vacation of the year, two weeks in Alaska next month and having camp figured out is key to a successful trip. especially the bathroom part. was hoping to test it out before the trip.
Its a clever solution to a showering on the go and seems like a great product, too bad customer service for me and you is non existent right now.
Where I come from honest! responsive and fast service goes a long way. word of mouth is huge as well, it can break a company. I am on many different off road forums and if they screw me on this word is gonna get around.
Comprehend this, they billed/charged my paypal credit card on march 19th this year for a product they have not shipped to me yet. all business’s I do business with only bill the customer once it gets on a carriers Truck/delivery van. ESPECIALLY on a back ordered item.
Apologies for leaving the Rant on the Gearbunker website. that you for all the work here and God Bless our veterens my Dad and Brother served here in the States.
Freedom is not Free is what my license plate reads.
Buyer be aware of Joocla! they could screw you. I’ll let everyone here with my final outcome.
EDIT I HAVE MY SHOWER ENSUITE!!! the morning after I made that reply above I got a email from one of the customer service ladies (Veronica) that I contacted early on when I first made the order in March and she gave me a UPS tracking number for it to be delivered the next Day. it probally did get shipped out on july 10th like they predicted a couple weeks ago. Veronica did say they should have gotten me the tracking number sooner when it was actually shipped, they were baraged with emails recently. summer business and all. she apologized. I accepted . Got it and super stoked to get camping with it.
Turns out the email’s they give updates on are non repliable emails and no one was seeing my concern/panick it was never gonna ship emails. so I take back all my bad words on Joocla the company. they did there best with the supply issue. and the Frekin Price for $269 presale I snagged it at is stellar great.
Have a great rest of the summer peeps
I have been trying to contact joolca for days! No phone is extremely frustrating ..! They say my order shipped.. shipping company saying no they haven’t received it! Ring them they say.. other end saying the same ..im getting bounced around and not happy as I have no shower till this part sent out asap.. now just getting the run around .. I think ill buy another one from a different company if it not here soon as we need a shower … very disappointed in customer service from both them and toll
Came here to say that if you purchase the standard model that uses a garden hose, you’ll need to purchase a hose adapter separately because it’s not included. Really thought the point of these units was that they’d be functional out of the box on assembly. Kind of a bummer but maybe they will come around.
I can’t believe Joolca is not upfront and explicit that the water will not be potable!
The Joolca is a water heater, not a water purifier. If you hook it up to a potable source, it’s potable. If your source is not potable, you will have hot non-potable water. I don’t think it needs any explanation.
I’ve been using it daily for weeks with city water. It adds a horrible taste.
Notice, this is what their customer support says: