FRAGO: Let’s get some housekeeping items out of the way from the jump. I was never a Tier 1 Operator or a member of the Special Operations community. I served an enlisted tour as an infantryman in the U.S. Army in the early nineties and was fortunate to attend some great courses & schools, as well as participate in real-world infantry training scenarios. Still, I was far from a “snake eater.” I’m just a regular dude. I did more than some, but way less than most. That said, lets get down to the business.
As a habitual Every Day Carry (EDC) guy, I am always looking to upgrade or improve my EDC essentials in effective, practical, and cost-conscious ways. My EDC pistol of choice is a Glock 17 – Gen 4. I’m nearly 6’1 and 225lbs at the moment, so the idea of carrying a full size auto never really concerned me. It works for me – either appendix or at 3 O’clock. Yet, the idea of carrying a spare mag didn’t seriously enter my mind until recently. I mean with 17 rounds in the mag, and one in the pipe, how many rounds does one really need – or so, I thought? Besides, I didn’t like the idea of rockin’ cumbersome belts or bulky mag pouches when picking up my kid from ice hockey practice or running for groceries. If I were to consider carrying extra load, there had to be a better way. As I continued to train and analyze my EDC tools, I started looking around. Then, I found the NeoMag.
The beauty of the NeoMag lies in its simplicity and strength
The NeoMag is a tough, durable, and discreet piece of hardware which allows the EDC carry of a spare mag in your front pocket. The beauty of the NeoMag lies in its simplicity and strength. It consists of a titanium clip mounted to a steel carrier with stainless steel Torx head fasteners. The carrier contains a “neodymium rare earth magnet.” Admittedly, I don’t know what that means, but I can tell you the magnet is extremely strong. The carrier also contains a small rubber pad to help secure the clip to your pocket. You place the edge of your pocket between the rubber pad and the clip, pinch the clip open, and push down. That’s it. Easy enough, even for us Army guys. (It’s not unlike a typical folding-knife clip, and it looks the same when employed.) Next, just slide your mag into your pocket and the rare earth magnet does the rest by securing the mag to the carrier. Slightly larger than a 9V battery, the NeoMag is capable of accepting single or double stacked magazines.
Coming in a shade under $40 for my particular Glock, the NeoMag is Made-In-America with customizable options available. Mine arrived with a NeoMag logo sticker and a handwritten note of thanks – a small, but genuinely appreciated gesture. The lifetime guarantee is a bonus as well.
Closing thoughts:
It’s a different feeling carrying a spare mag in the front pocket, as opposed to a belt-driven mag pouch. As with any new skill or new piece of equipment, conducting “dry run” practices will help instill the muscle memory required to adapt. However, the NeoMag is strong, discreet and secure. You won’t find your spare mag rattling around with your money clip, chapstick, or whatever else you incorporate into your EDC routine. Pick up a NeoMag, incorporate it into your EDC, and I think you will find it’s money well spent. I did.
Editors Note:
NeoMag has updated the design of the Glock specific model to include additional magnetic strength. Below are the current features and price with a link to the order page.
NeoMag Type G (Glock) features:
- Material: Blacknitride Steel
- Clip: Titanium
- Magnets: Dual Neodymium
- Made in USA
- Lifetime Manufactures Warranty
- MSRP $49.99-$54.99
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