Over the years I’ve read and seen countless articles and videos on the bugout bag. For some reason, the vast majority imply that should a disaster strike, you should run out to the woods. Make a fire with a ferro rod, snare game, and catch fish to continue life. Now as much as I enjoy the outdoors and learning these skills, I don’t think that they are realistic. I’ve been watching the wildfire disaster in Hawaii and hurricane Idalia in Florida on the news.
As I watch these disasters unfold I ask myself this question. What if a situation occurred where I had to grab a bug out bag and evacuate with little notice. What would I need to allow me to function and rebuild my life? Now I’m not talking about an asteroid hitting the earth and sending us back to the 1800’s, I’m talking about a wildfire, flood, hurricane, tornado, civil disorder, etc… Where I’m going to drive fifty to a hundred miles and get a hotel room or stay with friends or family, or maybe wind up in a Red Cross shelter for a week or two.
I’ve worked in a Red Cross shelter after apartment fires, hurricanes, and disaster security in Texas and Puerto Rico. And never had to snare a meal. What I have seen and experienced is people needing the ability to charge their cell phone because they grabbed the phone and not the charging cable. People needing bottled water, a change of clothes, batteries or a flashlight. And cash because power is down and stores can’t process credit and debit transactions. Other things people need post disaster is account numbers for their homeowner’s insurance. Utility company account numbers, bank information and phone numbers for family and friends. In a post disaster scenario, cash is king. Because even in modern times, stores (assuming they haven’t been looted or destroyed) will be able to conduct business in cash.
I started to list what I would want in that bugout bag to get back on track in a post disaster situation. Here is what I’ve come up with:
- Personal Identification things goes a whole lot easier when you can prove who you are. Be sure to have your driver’s license, social security cards, birth certificate, health insurance cards, passport, work, and other government issued ID.
- Personal medication for a couple of days along with some over the counter meds for comfort.
- Extra pair of glasses, even a cheap pair of reading glasses can be helpful in a pinch.
- Cash, debit, and credit cards.
- Phone, cables, charging battery, don’t forget wall plug ins (Personally I like the plug ins that can be used in the wall or vehicle. Don’t forget international outlets if you’re traveling).
- Personal laptop or tablet and associated cables.
- Consider an inverter for your vehicle that allows you to power up or use your laptop while in a vehicle.
- Water bottle that can be refilled. I like to carry some packets of electrolytes for flavor.
- A few snacks, nothing crazy some power bars just until you can reach the salvation of the golden arches.
- Lists with phone numbers, account numbers, contact numbers for insurance companies, passwords, (I use an encrypted thumb drive for any sensitive information).
- A small flashlight is always useful and a multitools is handy to have too.
- Copies of important documents like deeds, wills, DD214, diplomas, rental agreements, can all be stored on a thumb drive.
If you think that you may wind up in a shelter, I’d consider having the following in your bugout bag or a separate bag. Microfiber towel, toothbrush and paste, change of under clothes, and a pair of flip flops at the minimum. Again, this isn’t planning for the end of the world but having items that will help you get through the rough patches and back on the road as smoothly as possible. This is not a complete list but a starting point for your individual planning purposes.
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